Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Data Analysis with Open Source Tools Free-Samples for Students

Question: Clarifies the job of Data Analysis instruments and Data Mining in Contemporary Organizations. Answer: Presentation The current broad advancements in the PC and innovative fields portray the positive bearing that the whole globe has grasp in improving the world a spot. Various associations situated in dissimilar geological areas over the universes today utilize different innovations to hoist their tasks regardless of the money related achievements that they face. Obviously, it can undoubtedly be attested that the PC innovation has been compelling since it came to picture. Using the process, laborers and different clients can improve their everyday works. An inside and out assessment further divulges that most of the masses in the current age depend or rather esteem all the devices that can empower them get to the web. This idea is cemented through insights that uncover an expansion in the acquisition of such items. Just to make reference to, the examination of information and information mining requires the mediation of specialists who can evaluate the furnished data to think of genuine ends under various condition. This paper discloses pivotal ideas connected to the examination of information in uber associations in the contemporary period. Review Information investigation is the movement of transmuting the information which is crude into usable and dependable data. The basic role of this procedure is to enhance the exploration results and to the measurable discoveries. It is basic to take note of that a large portion of that information which is introduced from any exploration work has certain mistakes which require to be estimated before the right suppositions are singled out. Moreover, the understanding of crude information is noteworthy on the grounds that now and again the specialists may get different arrangements of information (Janert, 2010). This circumstance may constrain them to look for the help of the information investigation apparatuses which are creating to be persuasive devices in the current occasions. As referenced early, associations are put on their toes to move alongside the specialized progressions that are normal today. Considering this, any researcher will concede that specific programming and methods that support the undertakings of workers inside associations are basic consistently. Associations must follow the drifting creeds in the market guarantee that their exercises converge with the premiums and desires for the general population. Numerous customers will in general stick to elements or merchandise and enterprises that have been endorsed by the dominant part. Therefore, business associations should gather information from the fields to have the option to settle on the right choices which can mix them towards their objectives and targets (Hoberman, 2012). Then again, the choices which they select must ensure the moral requests of both their clients and laborers. This aspect uncovers how the information investigation apparatuses can change the destiny of an association on confirmed points of view. The likelihood of bringing positive outcomes using that information investigation devices are high when contrasted with the sole mediation of human specialists. Information Analysis Tools The investigation of huge information can be a frenzied procedure in the administration of any business. This is the center motivation behind why programming creators are pushing for reconstructions that are useful to speculators regardless of the connected difficulties (Hoberman, 2012). Coming up next are a portion of the information examination apparatuses which are utilized by various hierarchical specialists in different fields of study. KNIME business codes. Just to make reference to, the typical method of recording the code squares may take a more drawn out time when contrasted with when the KNIME is utilized. The highlights of this instrument are anything but difficult to utilize whereby; an individual hauls the association pinnacles and focuses in the wake of dropping the hubs onto a particular canvas. As isn't sufficient, this innovation can be utilized to run science information, python assessment, and in text mining. Scene Public Scene Public is a successful apparatuses of examination information particularly in business. It is significant in light of the fact that it has the capacity to impart the imperative bits of knowledge through the perception of information. This device makes a bigger stage for information perception with its million line limit. Through it, scientist and business chiefs can think of speculation that can be conveyed in their everyday tasks. NodeXL NodeXL is an examination programming implied for representation purposes. The enormous fellowship maps on social stages can undoubtedly be determined through the mediation of this product. It is equipped for separating entangled information to uncover their internal importance. This devices is significant when managing high quantities of emp0loyees inside any association in the current age (Hair Lukas, 2014). For instance, it can arrange all the representatives dependent on specific highlights as their age sections, enhancement data, and furthermore their viability at work. OpenRefine This devices was in the past alluded to as the googleRefine. The capacity of this instruments to survey and clean the acquired information to set it up for additional investigation. At the end of the day, this instrument streamlines all the included systems by getting ready and checking each significant factor before the fundamental procedure is directed. Google Search Operators The inquiry administrators is a Google apparatuses that upgrade the elements of Google to the outrageous pinnacle. This apparatus is viable in light of the fact that it channels the outcomes got from the internet searcher to guarantee that solitary the applicable data is depicted. Along these lines, it isn't just a significant component to the business visionaries yet in addition it helps numerous individuals in different fields of life and study. Slover This is a straight programming instruments utilized in exceed expectations. Numerous chiefs esteem this information examination device since it sets and uncovers the significant imperatives that can influence the advancement of their business. For instance, it tends to be utilized to set as far as possible by uncovering other negative factors that may spring up if the proposed systems are not inspired. In any case, the utilization of fathom require the abilities of experts who are equipped for making the right suspicions dependent on the given outcomes. Moral Implications The current serious business condition pushes associations to consider their clients line with their supplications and other social elements. The assortment of client data is basic because of different reasons. Right off the bat, an associations can possibly overcome all the promoting chances if their products and enterprises are esteemed and favored in the market (Dean et al. 2016). In this manner, there is a higher possibility of achievement if their clients are attracted towards their activities. For example, a more profound assessment just discloses positive commitments of the way toward investigating clients data. This is because of the way that the majority will feel esteemed if their commitments are raised. It is likewise moral to keep up and bolster the convictions and social perspectives on clients over a broad business period. Also, the putting away of clients data elevates the relationship of the association with various individuals in their areas. Along these lines, this lifts the likelihood of the association to pull in more clients. End In outline, the assortment of business information is a pivotal procedure consistently. Clearly, the accomplishment of a business association legitimately depends on the data that their representatives and advertisers remove from the fields and commercial centers. In any case, the information mining and information investigation procedure must be made increasingly viable through the organization of various information examination devices. These instruments make the procedure to be all the more simple and quick paying little mind to the extent of the information on the table. In view of this, business associations should be prepared to grasp the new innovations in their every day attempts. References Dignitary, M. D., Payne, D. M., Landry, B. J. (2016). Information mining: a moral standard for online protection approaches. Diary of Enterprise Information Management, 29(4), 482-504. Hair Jr, J. F., Lukas, B. (2014). Promoting research. Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Hoberman, S. (2012). Information Modeler's Workbench: Tools and Techniques for Analysis and Design. New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Janert, P. (2010). Information Analysis with Open Source Tools. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Teenagers Replacing Drugs with Smartphones †

Question: Are Teenagers Replacing Drugs with Smartphones. Answer: Intelligent Essay All over my life, I have done various readings and works, and I can view myself as talented and with the capacity of delivering a bit of composing that is clear, compact and beguiling. My composing aptitudes have been molded by my capacity to understand books, papers and different bits of works that have been delivered using acceptable and impeccable English. In this intelligent paper, I try to break down the reasons that made me to pick the article, and the technique that I used to pick the article viable. Furthermore, this intelligent paper contains data on the elements that roused me to think of the antiquity in the recorded way. This paper likewise looks at the difficulties confronted while reproducing the aptitudes work out, and the advantage got from this activity, corresponding to the obtaining and improvement of my examination abilities. At last, this intelligent paper will take a gander at how the examination ancient rarity helped in improving my lawful research abilities. T he significant contention of this intelligent exercise is that the exploration antiquity was a viable technique for improving my examination and diagnostic aptitudes, since it expected me to complete an exploration and search for articles that fulfill the three components of good composition, which are compactness, appeal and clearness. During the way toward picking an article to break down, there were various article sources that I could look over. These incorporate articles from diaries, paper sources, for example, the Washington Post, digital books and the New York Times. Due to the trouble in getting briefly and plainly composed articles from diaries and digital books, I needed to depend on online sources. I decide to depend on the New York Times, and this is essentially a direct result of the nature of their works, and the simplicity of getting enough articles that are of high caliber and elegantly composed. Before picking an article that could go about as my curio, I needed to pick a point. In light of my encounters on medications and medication misuse, I chose to pick a subject on drugs. I have lost various companions because of the maltreatment of medications; henceforth I know the negative impacts that, for example, action can have to the general public. It depends on this reality that I picked an article o n drugs, and utilized watchwords, for example, medications and youth, medications and innovation, impacts of medications, how to lessen sedate maltreatment among the young. Clearly, there were an enormous number of articles that radiated from this pursuit, however my attention was on this article by Matt Richtel as a result of the way which he clarifies how medication misuse can be diminished using cell phones. This was another idea to me, since I was unable to envision that cell phones can assume a job in the decrease of medication misuse. It depends on these components that I had the option to pick the article by Matt Richtel. In addition, I depended on the initial two passages in light of the dialects the creator used to communicate his thoughts. He presents the theme in the principal sentence, and uses a colon to present a free provision, that expands upon the main sentence. In my view, this was a superb method of presenting the subject and grabbing the eye of the peruser. Notwithstanding picking this article for the antique exercise, there were various difficulties confronted, during the procedure of aptitudes re-creation. For example, the article involved short sections that made it hard to examine it, as far as compactness, clearness and appeal. The greater part of the sections involved around a few sentences, and this made it hard to distinguish all the three components in a similar passage. In any case, the writer of this article was exceptionally proficient, since he utilized basic language, and was immediate while clarifying his thoughts. Using a basic language, it was anything but difficult to recognize the components of appeal, brevity and lucidity in the composition. Notwithstanding the presence of these difficulties, this procedure gave me a positive involvement with terms of building up my examination abilities. Above all else, this experience helped me to enhance my capacity of using sound judgment on the sort of material assets to utilize, and data to gather. Moreover, this is a procedure that improved my ability to utilize search or watchwords in searching for the data that I need. In the momentum period of the pursuit media, for example, Google, Yahoo and Bing, aptitudes in the utilization of search and catchphrases is basic, in guaranteeing the achievement of an analyst to get the important and right materials for his work. In addition, by the recognizable proof of explicit components of brief, clearness and appeal in this article, I figured out how to build up an explanatory aptitude, which is a significant component of good research abilities. Clearly, one of the aptitudes procured from this activity is information assortment and basic reasoning abilities. These are significant aptitudes in lawful research, essentially on the grounds that the prerequisite of lawful experts to gather information on various custom-based law standards, decisions and legitimate specialists about specific cases, and apply them on a case they expect to comprehend. Furthermore, this activity improved my thinking and critical thinking abilities, which are significant components of an aptitude in lawful research. Without the ability of taking care of issues, it will be hard for a legitimate proficient to recognize the arrangement of the issue, while doing an exploration. At long last, this procedure was a triumph to me, due to the exercises mastered during the procedure of information assortment. For example, the utilization of catchphrases is a significant component of research, as it will decide the sort and nature of articles the scientist gets. For example, in this task, watchwords, for example, medicate misuse, youth and medication misuse were utilized to recognize the article. Besides, through this exploration, I had the option to improve my legitimate research abilities, and these incorporate the critical thinking aptitudes, basic reasoning and information assortment aptitudes. Clearly, without the ability to gather information, a lawful expert will fail. The expert will likewise require basic reasoning aptitudes that will assist him with breaking down the information, and discover an answer for a specific case. Every one of these aptitudes were shown through the ancient rarity work out. Catalog Richtel, Matt, Are Teenagers Replacing Drugs With Smartphones?The New York Times. The New York Times, 13 Mar. 2017. Web. 19 May 2017. drugs-smartphones.html?_r=0. [1] Richtel Matt, Are Teenagers Replacing Drugs With Smartphones?The New York Times. The New York Times, 13 Mar. 2017. Web. 19 May 2017. people drugs-smartphones.html?_r=0.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #23 Methodology Bullets

The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #23 Methodology Bullets The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #23: Methodology Bullets This week, Rebecca and Jeff talk about Alice Munro winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, more ereading statistics, most-loved literary characters, the most powerful literary agent in the world taking shots at Amazon, new books, and more. This weeks episode is sponsored by  Suvudu Universe  and  Lungs Full of Noise  by Tessa Mellas. [iframe src= height=235 width=450 scrolling=no] You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes (click here) or via RSS (link here). You can also download a free dedicated app for iOS or for Android. Take a short (7-question) survey to help us identify the most relevant sponsors for the show. Links discussed in the show: READ HARDER t-shirts   Alice Munro wins Nobel Prize Riot readers’ favorite lit characters Woman spent one year reading one book from every nation in the world Survey from USA Today and Bookish reveals people who own e-readers say they read more books More than 391,000 self-pubbed books in 2013 Andrew Wylie HATES Amazon New books! Longbourn by Jo Baker Best American Essays 2013, edited by Cheryl Strayed ____________________________ Browse previous episodes of The Book Riot Podcast. ____________________________ Sign up for our newsletter to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every week. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, , and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in iTunes or via RSS. So much bookish goodnessall day, every day.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Summary Of Dust By Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor - 1110 Words

Corruption in Kenya â€Å"Dust†, is a really powerful novel that talks about corruption that created crisis in Kenya from 1960s to 21st century, written by Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor. It tells a story about post-colonial Kenya through two families, Oganda and Bolton family. It centers on the connections between Oganda family and Bolton family in rural area of Kenya. This book portraits a really strong movement of those family and their involvement in the late 1960s. Furthermore, the author goes deeper in detail later throughout the book that explains the tragedies that caused the political-social order’s breakdown and the assassination of the independence leader. The author s writing style is uniquely compelling. She uses a lot of words and native phrases that carries the harshness of people’s lives in Kenya, along with showing the richness of Kenyan geography and society to the readers. Last paper I talked about the problem of dictatorship, but on this paper I will be more focusing on the true causes of the wars and crises in African countries, corruption. I strongly believe that corruption was the true cause of crisis and killing in Kenya as well as other African countries. This totally created a disaster to the country as a whole along with people’s well beings. Apparently, Kenyan’s leader and government were very money oriented and more materialistic. When anyone becomes more of money oriented than moral sense. It would totally cause them to lose the

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Analysis Of Charlie Leduff s Who Killed Aiyana

‘â€Å"I can accept the shooting was a mistake,† Jones said about his daughter’s death as a bleary-eyed Stanley sat motionless next to him. â€Å"But I can’t accept it because they lied about it. I can’t heal properly because of it. It was all for the cameras. I don’t want no apology from the police. It’s too late†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (LeDuff, 122). In Charlie LeDuff’s story â€Å"Who Killed Aiyana† he discusses the tragic loss of a little girl, all that lead up to her death and the tragic evet that occurred. The First 48 television show was filming an episode about a shooting that had occurred nearby involving the father of Aiyana and a teenager named Je’Rean Blake (who had been shot and killed). The cameras were outside the little girls home and SWAT team that was trying to get into the home ended up throwing in a grenade through the window and landing nearby Aiyana. Then the lead commander, Officer Joseph Weekley sho t his gun and Aiyana was killed. The SPJ code of ethics were clearly broken many times throughout the reporting of this story on The First 48. Minimizing harm is one of the main sections of the SPJ ethics code and is the category that was very much broken by the reporters on this case. The SPJ code of ethics state, â€Å"Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness† Was the need to get the information as this time (midnight) worth risking the harm of others? There was no need for the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Debate Over Personal Essay Samples for Scholarships

The Debate Over Personal Essay Samples for Scholarships Having us to address any of the problems which you may face when coming up with scholarship essay topics will be advisable for you. Write an anecdote, a quote, an intriguing fact or a story from your private life to illustrate what you are likely to write about later on. You won't have the ability to compose an outstanding essay in case you don't devote your soul to it. Understanding how to end a scholarship essay is a fundamental part of the success. The outstanding part about it's that you're not required to sign in for your purchase. As a school leaver, finding a personal statement might be a difficult endeavor. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. Bear in mind, on the exterior of the envelope, list the name of the particular scholarship you're inquiring about. Your cover letter is where to provide thorough info about it. The function of the personal st atement is to provide you with an opportunity to inform us important things about yourself that aren't addressed or apparent in the application. Find somebody you feel comfortable and qualified letting revise your private statement and provide it to them. Your own personal statement is a rather important portion of your application for scholarships and ought to be given special time and attention. Scholarship sponsors search for applicants with vision and motivation, so they may ask about your targets and aspirations. Career Break Personal Statement People have various reasons as to why they'd want to have a career break. Your future is extremely important. As a graduate, you've got to make certain that your private statement catches the interest of recruiter quickly through an effortless identification of your transferable skills along with your education. Essays, generally speaking, covers different topics. Academic papers cannot contain any signals of plagiarism. Scholarship essay isn't a paper at which you can forgive yourself misspellings or formatting inaccuracy. Scholarship essays are a significant issue. Learn more regarding the Mobility Disability Scholarship. The Personal Essay Samples for Scholarships Stories Start brainstorming now, and you might discover yourself a winner! A scholarship essayis part of ascholarship application. Some scholarships will just request a statement of financial need. Learn more on the subject of the Build U. Scholarship. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Personal Essay Samples for Scholarships Some scholarship sources need you to join their organization. If you're planning to put in an application for a college scholarship, you will likely will need to submit an essay alongside a resume, transcript and other background details. Scholarship essays shouldn't be considered a burden since they are your gateway to land entrance into a prestigious university with plenty of benefits and perks tha t have the scholarship. These seven sample essays respond to a selection of thought-provoking questions. There aren't any parameters to follow. Thus, you don't need to fret about your private information whenever you order with us. So because you can see, the registration procedure is extremely easy and understandable, so there aren't any conundrums or trick to do that correctly. So don't hesitate to download and take advantage of our samples. Nowadays it's quite difficult to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the bulk of our clients require is essay writing. In summary, the service exists, so should you need to use it in order to find a top essay, that's reason enough. Employing a writing service is the best approach to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to make sure the essays you write are hitting each one of the crucial points and are at the appropriate depth necessary for your academic gra de. For writing your scholarship essay, the very first point is to create a great outline. Make certain that your essay is neatly typed, and that there's plenty of white space' on the webpage. Ultimately, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. If you prefer to fully grasp how to compose an essay for a scholarship, it would be prudent to begin from ordering an affordable custom writing help online. To succeed on the essay part of the SAT, the very best approach is to simply make stuff up. It's vital that the service you decide on knows for sure they're only employing the very best essay writers. Using Personal Essay Samples for Scholarships Try to remember your introduction, the very first paragraph of an essay, ought to be short and catchy. Paragraph i state a synopsis of what you're going to speak about in the essay. The revisions are completely free!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An Advancement of Learning and An August Midnight Compare and contrasting free essay sample

The poems â€Å"An Advancement of Learning† and â€Å"An August Midnight† are connected in some way, these poems focus on encounters with certain creatures or animals. Heaney’s with a rat on a river embankment in Belfast and Hardy’s with nocturnal insects that fly through his window. In the poems In contrast they are laid out in different structures. In â€Å"An Advancement of Learning† it has eight stanzas of four short lines. In contrast â€Å"An August Midnight† is made up of two stanzas with six long lines, giving the poem a calm quality. In â€Å"An Advancement of Learning† Heaney recalls on his childhood fear of rats. This is due to his experiences of fear growing up on a farm as a child. The rats provide a link between his childhood and his inner-city life as an adult. â€Å"An August Midnight† is based on Hardy’s beliefs that all animals were conscious beings worthy of respect based on the evolutionary theory that all living things are related. We will write a custom essay sample on An Advancement of Learning and An August Midnight Compare and contrasting or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This interest is also evident in the close up acute details of the insects’ anatomy â€Å"winged, horned and spined†. The settings of both poems are very different or inconsistent. In â€Å"An Advancement of Learning† it is situated outside in an urban river landscape. It is portrayed as polluted with â€Å"dirty-keeled swans†. Overall it is an urban setting and a shabby environment, where it projects the negativity of the encounter. Whereas in â€Å"An August Midnight† it is inside and a welcoming scene inside a tranquil room where the insects are lured in by lamplight and an open window. Both poems contrast, in â€Å"An August Midnight† Hardy isn’t dismissive or scornful towards the insects, he shows them respect. This is shown when Hardy says â€Å"God’s humblest†. However in â€Å"An Advancement of Learning† uses words such as â€Å"slimed† and â€Å"slobbered† to describe the rat’s movements, this portrays Heaney’s dislike or hatred towards rats.

Friday, April 3, 2020

About and For with Adjectives

About and For with Adjectives About and For with Adjectives About and For with Adjectives By Maeve Maddox The recent post on excited for got me thinking that a list of adjectives that take about and for might be useful. for eager for happy for (as in Im happy for you because you have succeeded.) therapeutic for unsuitable for about adamant about enthusiastic about exuberant about exultant about excited about elated about flippant about guarded about gullible about happy about (as in Im happy about my promotion.) irate about knowledgeable about nosy about overjoyed about phobic about relieved about snobbish about vague about Here are some quotations from newspapers: Sharks Evander Kane eager for 1st playoffs in 9th season Jaguars coach Doug Marrone happy for Bills, but wont delve into his odd exit from Buffalo. Such an announcement is inappropriate. If the Captain determined the airplane was unsuitable for the flight, it is his or her responsibility and Quarry neighbors irate about dumping, water quality. Benton Township residents near the Rocky Ridge Development quarry are upset about Detroit Lions veteran players are excited about first-round draft pick Frank Ragnow. He took snaps at both center and left guard at rookie Kristin Higgins was adamant about not pushing girly stereotypes on her daughter, and painted her room in shades of green. Higgins later Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101One Fell SwoopHow Long Should a Synopsis Be?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Biography of Paul Revere and His Midnight Ride

Biography of Paul Revere and His Midnight Ride Paul Revere (January 1, 1735–May 10, 1818) is perhaps best known for his famous midnight ride, but he was also one of Boston’s most ardent patriots. He organized an intelligence network called Sons of Liberty to help colonists fight against British troops. Fast Facts: Paul Revere Known for: Famous midnight ride alerting the people of Lexington and Concord of an impending British attack; one of the leaders of Sons of Liberty movementOccupation: Silversmith, artisan, and early industrialistBorn:  January 1, 1735 in Boston, MassachusettsDied:  May 10, 1818, Boston, MassachusettsParents’ Names: Apollos Rivoire and Deborah HitchbornSpouses Names: Sarah Orne (m. 1757-1773); Rachel Walker (m. 1773-1813)Children: 16, 11 of whom survived childhood Early Years Paul Revere was the third of twelve children born to Apollos Rivoire, a French Huguenot silversmith, and Deborah Hitchborn, the daughter of a Boston shipping family. Apollos, who emigrated from France as a teen, changed his name to the more English-sounding Revere at some point prior to Pauls birth- a common practice at the time. The young Revere left school in his early teens to become an apprentice in his fathers silversmithing business, which allowed him to interact with a wide variety of different people within Bostons society. When Revere was nineteen, his father died, but he was too young to take over the smithy, so he enlisted in the provincial army. The French and Indian War was ongoing, and Revere soon found himself commissioned to the rank of Second Lieutenant. After a year in the Army, Revere returned home to Boston, took over the family silver shop, and married his first wife, Sarah Orne. By the mid-1760s, the economy was sliding into a recession, and Reveres silver business was struggling. Like many craftsman of the era, Revere needed some supplemental income, so he took up the practice of dentistry. His skill in manufacturing false teeth from ivory was one that would serve him well later. The Brink of Revolution In the late 1760s, Revere formed a close friendship with Dr. Joseph Warren of Boston. The two men were members of the Masons, and they each had an interest in politics. Over the next few years, they became active participants in the Sons of Liberty movement, and Revere used his skill as an artist and craftsman to produce some of Americas earliest political propaganda. He illustrated carvings and engravings, many of which included images of events like the Boston Massacre of 1770, and a parade of British troops through the citys streets. As he became more prosperous, Revere and his family moved to a home in Bostons North End. However, in 1773, Sarah died, leaving Revere with eight children to raise; within a few months he married his second wife, Rachel, who was eleven years his junior. In November of that year, a ship called the Dartmouth docked in Boston Harbor, and history would soon be made. The Dartmouth arrived laden with tea shipped by the East India Company under the newly-passed Tea Act, which essentially was designed to force colonists to buy tea from East India, rather than purchasing smuggled tea at a lower cost. This was extremely unpopular with the people of Boston, so Revere and many of the men of the Sons of Liberty took turns guarding the ship, preventing it from being unloaded. On the night of December 16, Revere was one of the ringleaders when American patriots stormed the Dartmouth and two other East India ships, and dumped the tea into Boston Harbor. Over the next two years, Revere made regular rides as a courier, traveling from Boston to Philadelphia and New York City to carry information on behalf of the Committee of Public Safety. This was a grass-roots committee of patriots who did their best to make governing extremely difficult for British authorities. Around the same time, Revere and other members of the Sons of Liberty, and their associates, began a network of intelligence gathering in Boston. Meeting in a tavern called the Green Dragon, which Daniel Webster called the headquarters of the revolution, Revere and other men, known as Mechanics, disseminated information about the movement of British troops. The Midnight Ride In April 1775, Dr. Joseph Warren was alerted to possible British troop movements near Concord, Massachusetts. Concord was a small town not far from Boston, and was the site of a large cache of patriot military supplies. Warren sent Revere to warn the Massachusetts Provincial Congress so they could move the stores to a safer location. Interim Archives / Getty Images A few days later, British General Thomas Gage was ordered to move on Concord, disarm the patriots, and seize their cache of weapons and supplies. Although Gage was instructed by his superiors to arrest men like Samuel Adams and John Hancock for their roles as rebel leaders, he opted not to include that in his written instructions to his troops, because if word got out, there could be a violent uprising. Instead, Gage chose to focus his written orders on taking possession of the weapons he believed to be housed in Concord. Over the coming days, Revere instructed the sexton at the North Church to use a signal lantern in the steeple if he saw British soldiers approaching. Because the British could either take the road from Boston to Lexington or sail up the Charles River, the sexton was told to light a single lantern for land movement, and two if there was activity on the water. Thus, the phrase one if by land, two if by sea was born. On April 18, Warren told Revere that reports indicated that British troops were secretly moving towards Concord and the neighboring town of Lexington, ostensibly to capture Adams and Hancock. Although the weapons supply had been safely moved, Hancock and Adams were unaware of the impending danger. When the sexton at the North Church placed two lanterns in his steeple, Revere moved into action. He crossed the Charles River in a rowboat in the dead of night, careful to avoid the notice of the British warship HMS Somerset, and landed in Charlestown. From there, he borrowed a horse and rode to Lexington, sneaking past British patrols and alerting every home he passed along the way. Revere traveled through the night, visiting patriot strongholds like Somerville and Arlington, where additional riders picked up the message and traveled their own routes. By the end of the night, it is estimated that some forty riders had gone out to spread the word of the impending British attack. Revere arrived in Lexington around midnight, and warned Adams and Hancock, and then headed towards Concord. On his way, he was stopped by a British patrol and questioned; he told the soldiers that if they approached Lexington they would find themselves face to face with an angry and armed militia. At some point, once they neared Lexington with Revere in tow, the towns church bell began to ring; Revere told them it was a call to arms, and the soldiers left him in the woods to walk the rest of the way to town alone. Once he arrived, he met up with Hancock, and helped him gather up his family so they could escape safely as the battle on Lexington Green began. During the Revolutionary War, Revere was unable to return to Boston, but stayed in Watertown, where he continued his work as a courier for the provincial congress, and printed currency for payment of the local militias. Dr. Warren was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and nine months after his death, Revere was able to identify his remains, exhumed from a mass grave, thanks to a false tooth he had mounted for his friend, making Paul Revere the first forensic dentist. There is no evidence that Revere actually shouted out The British are coming! during his famous ride. Later Years After the Revolution, Revere expanded his silversmithing business and opened an iron foundry in Boston. His business produced cast iron goods such as nails, weights, and tools. Because he was willing to invest money into expanding his foundry, and embraced new technological ideas in the field of metalworking, he became highly successful. Eventually, his foundry moved into iron and bronze casting, and he was able to mass produce church bells as America moved into a post-war religious revival. With two of his sons, Paul Jr. and Joseph Warren Revere, he founded Paul Revere and Sons, and gradually perfected the production of rolled copper. He remained politically active throughout his entire life, and died in 1818 at his home in Boston. Sources â€Å"Joseph Warren Dies a Martyr in the Battle of Bunker Hill.† New England Historical Society, 16 June 2018,, Christopher. â€Å"The Real-Life Haunts of the Sons of Liberty.†, AE Television Networks,â€Å"Paul Revere - The Midnight Ride.† Paul Revere House, â€Å"Paul Revere: The First American Forensic Dentist.† Strange Remains, 11 Oct. 2017,

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A critical study of credit risk management in the First Bank of Dissertation - 2

A critical study of credit risk management in the First Bank of Nigeria PLC - Dissertation Example All types of transactions have risk factors attached to them. If considered as an isolated case, then the loss can be treated as standalone. However, if a portfolio is considered like financial instruments and loans, there is the diversification effect which means risks of individual transactions get diluted. This is because every individual transaction cannot become a bad debt, and it is also not possible that all financial instruments of a trading book will end up as losses caused by market movements. It is universally accepted that the â€Å"sum of individual risks is less than the risk of the sum.† There is also the concept of dependency, i.e. inter-related events which determines the effects of diversification. For instance, a loan can become a bad debt depending on some common factors like the economic condition of market. Therefore to compute the risk of portfolios, it is necessary that these common factors be monitored (Bessis, 2011, pp.25-26). Credit risk can be defin ed as the non-ability of a debtor or issuer of any financial instrument to make payment of the principal amount as per the terms and conditions of the credit agreement (Greuning & Bratanovic, 2009, p.161). The loss that occurs is related to the valuation of the financial instruments and their liquidity. The financial instruments can reduce at high rate if the default is totally unexpected. The resultant loss is the â€Å"difference between the pre- and post-default prices.† (Bessis, 2011, p.29) Banks are most vulnerable regarding credit risk issue since default or delay of payments can lead to cash flow problems or can cause liquidity of the bank. Although there are many aspects of finance, in the balance sheet of the bank 70 percent of it is related to credit risk management. Out of many factors that are responsible for a bank’s failure, credit risk is the most common factor. A bank’s credit risk is mostly determined by its loan portfolio, yet it is equally imp ortant to assess the creditworthiness of any debtor or issuer of financial instruments to understand the potential credit risk. Financial analysts and supervisory agencies of banks give much importance to credit policies designed by the Board of Directors, and how they are implemented by the managers. A credit policy needs to give a framework of the credit structure of bank, i.e. allocation of credit and management of credit portfolio. For instance, the policy should give information about how investments and financing assets are supervised, managed and reviewed. A credit policy need not be excessively conditional, so that proposals for consideration can be placed before the board even if those proposals do not strictly follow the guidelines of the policy. A bank’s credit policy should have enough flexibility to be able to adapt to the changing relations between the bank’s standing assets and the market fluctuations (Greuning & Bratanovic, 2009, pp.161-162). There are certain standard theories of a bank’s credit management and they are – 1) identification and assessment of potential credit risks, 2) credit policies that define the bank’s perspective of risk management, and 3) the parameters of the policies within which credit risk will be monitored. Generally there are three kinds of credit risk management policies. The first one has the objective of minimizing any potential risk and includes policies on â€Å"concentration and large exposures, diversification, lending to connected parties, and overexposure.† The second set of policies targets at classifying assets. These policies make it compulsory to do periodic monitoring of the â€Å"collectibility of the portfolio of credit instruments.† The third set of policies is designed in the manner to set

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

COMZ Study Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

COMZ Study Group - Essay Example Pederson has developed a listening skills which his staff needs to develop he acts as the role model of the organisation. The Clan culture focus mainly on the participation and involvement of the members of the organisation. More than any other, the clan culture mainly focuses primarily on the needs and requirements of the members or the employees and believes that if the performance is satisfactory, profit would follow the organisation (Draft,, 2010, p.411). In a similar manner Pedersen also believes that by delivering good services to the customers and by motivating the employees to do so, profit will follow them. He believes that it is important to image how the employees feel and in turn develop a relationship building skills. Pedersen is committed towards team approach which according to him is essential for the communication industry where creativity is everything. Just as the clan culture suggest of taking care of the employees and make sure that the employees are surrou nded by everything which are required by them, so does Pedersen for its employees. QUESTION 2 Using the PESTLE framework, identify ONE external factor and explain how it has affected COMZ Group. (150) PESTEL Analysis tends to covers the macro environment. The PESTEL covers the Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors of an organisation (Lorat, 2009, p.6). COMZ Group was highly affected by the economic factors as stated in the case study. COMZ Group which began its operation as promotional video production company but latter shifted to event management mainly for the travel industry, the airlines and travel agencies. After the 9/11 attack, the tourism business was affected highly and also had an adverse affect on the COMZ Group. The company had lost about 60% of its business overnight for which the company COMZ had to reposition itself completely. The 9/11 attack had affected the business badly so the company was forced to shift into a new dimensi on. COMZ Group is now a communication agency which offers a range of products and services to both local and large MNCs. Identify ONE other external factor and explain how it could affect COMZ Group in the future Other than the Economic factor, the company is affected by the rivalry among the industry. Since the communication industry is a competitive industry, the company needs to provide effective and better services to gain a competitive edge over its competitors. The COMZ Group continues to face challenges because the communication is often regarded as a luxury by businesses which cannot be afforded during economic downturn. There may be other communication firms which might offer great services at a less amount affecting the business of COMZ Group. Therefore the competition among the established firm within the same industry is usually high and that to in the communication industry (Hills & Jones, 2009, p.43). QUESTION 3 Identify TWO COMZ Group stakeholders (excluding sharehold ers) and describe their likely interests in the performance of the company. Two COMZ Group stakeholders are the customers and the employees who act as core members and are interested in the performance of the company. The customers are the key stakeholders that the organisation needs to satisfy. A customer is someone who is involved in the decision making to acquire a product or implement a

Monday, January 27, 2020

Developing Education in Latin American Countries

Developing Education in Latin American Countries Increasing the quality of Education in Latin American Countries Josà © Luis Llumiquinga Molina Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the ways in which Latin American countries can improve their education. Latin American countries have always been classified as underdeveloped and poor, and one of the causes for which they have been classified as poor and underdeveloped is because of the low level of education that these countries have. There are some things that can be done to improve the education of growing nations. This study shows with practical things, the actions that the Latin Americans governments can do like investing in teachers training, buying technology equipment or focusing on students innovation and creativity. The expected results in this work should show that with these changes education must improve significantly. In conclusion to improve education in Latin countries the different states must invest in key areas for education. Key Words: Education, Latin American Countries, teacher training, technology, innovation and creativity Nations in other parts of the world have always classified Latin American countries as developing countries and this is due to low levels of education and poverty present in Latin America. Each year, international exams such as the PISA show that Latin American countries are below the international average in education. (Pisa results in focus, 2012). For a country, it depending on others and become a productive power and leader in knowledge, it is necessary that education be taken more into account by Latin American governments, who should invest more in this field. In addition to the investments in infrastructure that governments can make must they invested in the greatest productive force of all that is the strength of people. Governments must invest in the education of people so that they can overcome themselves and not depend on the charity of others. Latin American education quality can be improved by investing in the following three key points of education: teacher training, th e use of new technology and the promotion of student ´s interest in innovation and creativity Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. (Quotes about Education, n.d.). The teachers of any educational institution in the world are fundamental for the process of teaching young learners to be effective, teachers are the guides of their students because they are the ones who bring new knowledge to their students and arouse interest of their students in some future profession, teachers are forming the future of society; That is why it is necessary for teachers to be able to teach correctly, that is to say that their students take ownership of the knowledge with the help of the teacher, then good education would be achieved with educational training of teachers with periodic tests and agreements with international universities that improve the education of teachers. In order for a teacher to teach his students correctly, the teacher must have all his knowledge updated and this is achieved thanks to continuous training as has been done in Ecuador since 2008. Another way to keep trained teachers is through periodic tests that require teachers to study regularly to ensure that their knowledge is updated. An example of periodic test is the evaluations made in Malaysia to teachers, A total of 1,022 English teachers are now undergoing the Cambridge Placement Test (CPT) in their respective districts in Sabah. Education Director Datuk Jame Alip (pic) said on Wednesday the course is aimed to improve their English skills and teaching pedagogy methods (Malaysia, n.d.). Another way to train teachers is to give them the opportunity to get fourth-level titles like in Finland. Teachers in Latin American countries must have opportunities to progress and increase their knowledge to improve their educational capacities and thus improve the overall education of a nation since the education of a country does not improve only by investing in the infrastructure of educational institutions But that investment in one of the most important parts of education prevails, this part is the teachers who, by giving them the opportunity to become learned in their subject matter, is contributing to the teachers being able to explain very easily one Theme and thus contribute to quality education. Quality education is something that can be achieved by giving greater importance to the education and training of teachers, a training that must be continuous and with the opportunity to study in international universities that give teachers more experience and knowledge to the Teachers therefore a real education is given when all members of this process, especially teachers, have adequate levels of training to provide an education that is beneficial to young people who in the future will be contributing with great knowledge to society . Technology is nothing. The important thing is that you have faith in people, that they are basically good and intelligent, and if you give them tools, they will do wonderful things with them (Jobs, n.d.). The second key pint, technology in classrooms is an important resource to improve education in any part of the world because with technology, access to information is very easy, it also promotes research because with technological equipment, the speed with which it is Access to information is the best, so one way to get a better education is through investments by the state in computers and the Internet in addition should use free software programs focused on education. With the provision of computers and internet in different educational institutions can significantly improve the education of students, students who may have never seen a computer in the past can now have the opportunity to learn to use them by breaking many digital gaps, improving Thus substantially the knowledge; The students besides improving their general knowledge could improve their technical knowledge by the simple use of these computational equipment. Students who already have computers and also access to the Internet will have at their disposal an unimaginable amount of information that they can use to improve their knowledge; This has a risk and is that students believe true everything they find on the internet but with the help of a teacher who guides their students this will not be a problem. Also with internet students can be communicated and thus could work together in an online way Free software can be a great educational tool because the costs of acquiring these programs do not exist and this means a great saving for educational institutions, who want to acquire didactic teaching programs at a low cost. An example of free software is the program Scratch is a free programming language and online community developed by the MIT Media Labs Lifelong Kindergarten group (Segal, 2016). This program is an environment in which children can learn to program in a playful and very easy way, in this Program can be programmed games for leisure or games for learning; The Scratch program can be an indispensable learning tool because students have fun while learning and in the end this can be a great way to improve knowledge (Segal, 2016). There are many other programs that can be of help to students, there are free programs such as google docs that can be used to perform group work regardless of distance, this type of program can be used to improve cooperatives among students. Another very useful program is Duolingo, this is a multiplatform program, that is to say that it can work in computers or any type of Smartphone, this program is free and also is a program that is used to learn other languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹through games; This program can be used in classrooms as a complement to normal classes (Segal, 2016). A very successful way to improve education is the use of technology, states can improve the education of their students through successful investments in computers, internet and over-the-counter programs, this set can become very useful because it improves The knowledge of its students by the new information that they can acquire and by the new skills that can get by the simple use of technological equipment that is why the technology is indispensable for an improvement in educational quality. Creativity involves breaking with established patterns to look at things differently (Las 75 Mejores Frases de Creatividad, n.d.). The last point, Research and creativity are two things that are very closely linked, scientists investigate to solve problems, understand phenomena of nature or to discover something new but this is achieved with creativity because creativity is the basis for the invention of some A new device that helps research creativity helps us to break the rules of the known to look for new things never seen before or even though (Ossola, 2016). So for a person to improve is necessary to create new things, to investigate what he does not understand. Education is the basis for a society to change and improve, but for real education to be a reality students should be encouraged to research and promote creativity. One way students improve their interest in research is by integrating them into extra-class clubs, these types of clubs must accept students who are curious about the subject even if they have not the slightest idea of what the Club Student creativity can be greatly enhanced by classroom activities where you have to expose something or demonstrate unprepared skills because students learn to think faster, learn to be resourceful, learn to solve problems faster Definitive are more creative. An example to improve the creativity of the students is to organize groups, give them different topics and organize debates in which each one has to think quickly what he is going to say. Quality in education is achieved with many factors but one of the most important are those that involve the students interest in research and the students ability to be creative, and this is achieved with the students motivation to discover new things as Is given in the case of extracurricular clubs and with the creativity of the student that is given when he learns to think and to develop quickly; Thats why students who are happier doing what they like are the ones with the most knowledge. Conclusion To finish education is an issue that should be of paramount importance for all governments in the world because education is able to overcome poverty and grow not only economically but culturally so that the Latin American people leave behind all that History of poverty and ignorance should improve the education of their youth and to achieve this requires that teachers constantly update their knowledge so that they can teach the right to their students and adequately; It is necessary to invest in technological equipment that will help in the classes and the students must be inculcated the interest in the investigation and the capacity to be creative so that they themselves are the ones that generate their own knowledge and in the future they become people Critical In order to improve education in Latin American countries, a comprehensive work by governments involving both teachers and students and technological infrastructure is needed. References Actualizacià ³n Docente i. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2016, from Childress, S. (2016). A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation. WSJ. Retrieved 21 November 2016, from Compton, R.(2011). The Finland Phenomenon à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Compton, R.(2011). The Finland Phenomenon Docentes ecuatorianos obtienen su master gracias a un programa del gobierno. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2016, from Formacià ³n Docente. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2016, from H. (2016). 51 Frases de Tecnologà ­a de Grandes Hombres. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from H. (2016). Las 75 Mejores Frases de Creatividad. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from Malaysia: 1,022 teachers take Cambridge Placement Test. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from Ossola, A. (2016). Scientists Are More Creative Than You Might Imagine. The Atlantic. Retrieved 21 November 2016. PISA 2012 Results. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from Segal, S. (2016). The case for disruption in Latin Americas classrooms. World Economic Forum. Retrieved 21 November 2016. .. (n.d.). Citas, Pensamientos, Frases de EDUCACION. Retrieved November 116, 2016, from Quotes about Education (7687 quotes). (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Karl Marx :: essays research papers

According to Karl Marx, religion is like other social institutions in that it is dependent upon the material and economic realities in a given society. It has no independent history; instead it is the creature of productive forces. As Marx wrote, â€Å"The religious world is but the reflex of the real world.† Religion can only be understood in relation to other social systems and the economic structures of society. In fact, religion is only dependent upon economics, nothing else — so much so that the actual religious doctrines are almost irrelevant. This is a functionalist interpretation of religion: understanding religion is dependent upon what social purpose religion itself serves, not the content of its beliefs. Marx’s opinion is that religion is an illusion that provides reasons and excuses to keep society functioning just as it is. Much as capitalism takes our productive labor and alienates us from its value, religion takes our highest ideals and aspirations and alienates us from them, projecting them onto an alien and unknowable being called a god. Marx has three reasons for disliking religion. First, it is irrational — religion is a delusion and a worship of appearances that avoids recognizing underlying reality. Second, religion negates all that is dignified in a human being by rendering them servile and more amenable to accepting the status quo. In the preface to his doctoral dissertation, Marx adopted as his motto the words of the Greek hero Prometheus who defied the gods to bring fire to humanity: â€Å"I hate all gods,† with addition that they â€Å"do not recognize man’s self-consciousness as the highest divinity.† Third, religion is hypocritical. Although it might profess valuable principles, it sides with the oppressors. Jesus advocated helping the poor, but the Christian church merged with the oppressive Roman state, taking part in the enslavement of people for centuries. In the Middle Ages the Catholic Church preached about heaven, but acquired as much property and power as possible.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Obesity in Children Essay

Conclusion Because the rate of childhood obesity is increasing at a disturbing rate, experts fear that this will cause a remarkable load of illness in the future of our children even now a growing number of diabetic young adults is becoming a norm. Preventing, identifying and treating of children and adolescents who are obese are becoming a core medical intervention priority for the government and all concerned institutions. Since there is not clear answer as to how and why children become obese and currently a variety of reasons blamed for this obesity including genetics, culture, habits, individual practice, parental practice, sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits and such. Research at the molecular level has been progressing, but there is no actual understanding as to the whole image from a biological viewpoint. One might realize that there is no singular factor that can be blamed for a child becoming overweight or obese, it is a combination of factors that plays a role in promote obesity. The increasing obesity rates not only in adults but also in children these trends, in conjunction with obesity’s medical, psychological, and economic effects, emphasize the need for interventions and policy advice aimed at preventing obesity. Directives to remove soft drinks from public schools have started in some cities but despite the variety and number of researches done on the topic of obesity one may note that it remains to be a critical health problem. It seems that there are no enough intervention programs that have taken place in order to curve the problem. It is noted that not enough is being done in order to stop the rising trend of obese children but time has come that it must be addressed as a rising and critical problem that needs immediate attention if we are to cultivate healthy children. It will be noted that as children are obese and they are reaching their adolescence, the decrease in physical activity and the predilection to junk foods, fast foods and such also decreases the mental capacity of the child in a sense that they are more apt to laziness because of decreased energy rather go to school and participate in class, most of them are sleepy and usually uncomfortable in their own skins. It is of note that this problems if persistent will make for a bleak future for our children, since the society is cultivating lazy, fat children who will turn out to be lazy fat adults. One can imagine how it would be like in the future. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle not only for our children but for ourselves as well should be a major thrust of the government if curving the current situation is to be achieved. The thought at a young age children will be subjected to diseases and concern that is normally associated with the elderly and geriatric patients should be carefully considered and rejected. In developing an afterschool wellness program the author notes that it is not as simple as devising exercise plans for the children. It is a holistic approach that requires a multifaceted planning that includes education, healthy diet plans and the actual activity period. And it is also noted by the writer that in order to curve obesity in children, drastic measures must be employed not only by the obese children themselves but the whole family and the whole community. Developing healthy eating habits and leisure activity changes require changes that involve the family in order for the child not feel left out or forlorn. It is also of note that simple family physical activities will help curve obesity. One may realize that everything starts out at home and spilled over to the school then to the community. If we wish to curve obesity in children and protect our children’s health it is imperative that the community in particular and the nation in general work hand in hand so that attention maybe given and directives to promote healthy eating in schools and within the community be fostered and community get togethers that involves physical activities, community dances in the park, weekend exercise program for the community can be facilitated by the general community so that everyone may take part in keeping the family and our children healthier and live fuller lives. References: Abbott Laboratories (2003) MERIDIA (sibutramine hydrochloride manohydrate). Product information. In Physician’s Desk Reference. Montvale, NJ, Thompson PDR, 2003, p. 475–480 Blocker D & Freudenberg N (2001) Developing Comprehensive Approachesto Prevention and Control of Obesity Among Low-Income, Urban, African-American Women, Journal of the American Medical Women’s AssociationVol. 56, No. 2 pp. 59-64 Bray GA: Use and abuse of appetite-suppressant drugs in the treatment of obesity. Ann Intern Med 119:707–713, 1993 Centers for Disease Control, (1997) Guidelines for School and Community Programs to Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1997; 46 (RR-6); 1-36 Center for Disease Control (2007) Body mass index. Retrieved 22 April 2008 from http://www. cdc. gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/index. htm Davidson MH, Hauptman J, DiGiorlamo M, Foreyt JP, Halstead CH, Heber D, Heimburger DC, Lucas CP, Robbins DC, Chung J, Heymsfeld SB: Weight control and risk factor reduction in obese subjects treated for 2 years with orlistat: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 281:235–242, 1999 Dietz, W.H. , & Gortmaker, S. L. (1985). Do we fatten our children at the television set? Obesity and television viewing in children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 75(5), 807-812. Dietz, W. H. (1983). Childhood obesity: Susceptibility, cause, and management. Journal of Pediatrics, 103(5), 676-686. Dr. Paul. Retrieved 27 April 2008 from http://www. drpaul. com/illnesses/overweight. html ExRx. net. Retrieved 26 April 2008 from http://www. exrx. net/FatLoss/ChildObesityIntervention. html Epstein, L. H. , Wing, R. R. , Koeske, R. , & Valoski, A. (1987). Long-term effects of family-based treatment of childhood obesity. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55(1), 91-95. EJ 352 076. Freudenberg N, Eng E, Flay B, Parcel G,Rogers T, Wallerstein N. Strengthening individual and community capacity to prevent disease and promote health: In search of relevant theories and principles. Health Educ Q. 1995;22:290-306. Gortmaker, S. L. , Dietz, W. H. , Sobol, A. 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EJ 364 411 Serdula, MK, Ivery, D, Coates, RJ, (1993) Do obese children become obese adults? A review of the literature. Preventive Medicine 1993; 22: 167-177. St. Vincents Health (2004), Bariatric weight loss center of excellence, Retrieved 27 April 2008 from http://www.stvincent. org/ourservices/bariatrics/about/causes/default. htm Sjostrom L, Rissanen A, Andersen T, Boldrin M, Golay A, Koppeschaar HPF, Krempf M: Randomized placebo-controlled trial of orlistat for weight loss and prevention of weight regain in obese patients. Lancet 352:167–172, 1998 The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). NASPE releases first ever physical activity guidelines for pre-adolescent children. 1-2. 5-13-1998. NASPE. Wadden TA, Berkowitz RI, Sarwer DB, Prus-Wisniewski R, Steinberg C (2001) Benefits of lifestyle modification in the pharmacologic treatment of obesity: a randomized trial.Archives of Internal Medicine 161:218–227, 2001 Whitaker, RC, Wright, JA, Pepe, MS, Seidel, KD, Dietz, WH. (1997) Predicting obesity in young adulthood from childhood and parental obesity. New England Journal of Medicine 1997; 337: 869-73. Wolf, M. C. , Cohen, K. R. , & Rosenfeld, J. G. (1985). School-based interventions for obesity: Current approaches and future prospects. Psychology in the Schools, 22, 187-200. Understanding Childhood Obesity (1999) Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA: Obesity. N Engl J Med 346:591–602, 2002.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Indonesia Port Corporationy - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 759 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/09/18 Category Economics Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, which its sea area is twice greater than its land area. The archipelago is on a crossroad between two oceans, the Pacific and the Indian, and bridges two continents, Asia and Australia. This strategic position implies that maritime transport is become very important. Maritime transport today plays a vital role in international transport. Most of the total volume of goods in the world goes by sea although this varies from one region to another. This indicates that international trade carried by sea is more favorable. Maritime transport, and consequently port services, is therefore vital for the economies of developing countries. Indonesia Port Corporation II is the largest port in Indonesia, which has responsibility in port services. It provides vessel services, cargo handling services, and other services. As a big corporation in port services, Indonesia Port Corporation II has a critical roles in supporting economic growth sustainability. Omission of interest will influence economic activities of this country. Furthermore, poor management of this port will bring down logistic performance that would, at the end of the day, put the competitive edge of national products to the lowest point. Finally, Indonesia Port Corporation II is one important factor of the various points in supply chain of products’ transportation in a very fast economic activity. People are intangible asset of company, which is consisted of personnel’s competency and commitment. This perspective perceives that people as the main contributor of leading company succeed in competition. Whatever the investment in port infrastructure and equipment or in modern technology, port management can only be efficient if it has the required number of skilled and committed personnel carrying out daily tasks to provide high quality services to port customers. For implementing them, port has to master human resources management a llowing the workforce to acquire the required skills and attitudes that ensure growth to face world competition and adapt new technologies. These are challenges for HR people, thus HR Department roles become very important in port business. Nowadays, HR roles in port business are more than functional expertise. The HR function roles give increasingly significant contributions to organization sustainability. Furthermore, HR people play their role as business strategic partner. In this role, HR people contribute to the development and accomplishment of port business plan and objectives. The HR business strategy and objectives in port are established to support the achievement of the overall strategic business plan and objectives. HR System are designed alligning to corporate directions. This strategic partnership impacts HR services such as the design of human resource acquisition, recognition and strategic pay, performance development and apraisal systems, career management and succession planning system, and employee development. These have to assure each member of the workforce at every hierarchical level understand the importance of his or her tasks in giving contribution throughout the transport chain. In the future, competition in port operation will be tighter due to the Law No. 17/2008 on Shipping in the year 2008. The Law opens wider range of opportunities for private enterprises in operating ports. This is a new fact in the nation’s port business atmosphere. It is time to turn these challenges into opportunities to be more professional to then transform the company from port regulator into a world class port operator. Regarding to the law No. 17/2008 together with its implementating regulation, Indonesia Port Corporation II needs to incorporate the new regulation as a basis for formulation of business strategy and objectives going forward. In order to face the implementation of the law, Indonesia Port Corporation II needs to realize tha t the expected improvement focus on services, especially customer satisfaction. It challenges this port to maintain its existence and to prepare the company to continue growing in the future through strategic and comprehensive measures. To meet customer needs, port management commit to improve company’s productivity by changing working time to be 24/7 to achieve â€Å"zero waiting time†, restructuring organization, improving working method, investing on port handling facilities and equipments, improving bussiness process and ICT, and developing service oriented human resources. In terms of organizational development and improvement of the quality of personnel to be more service oriented, HR Department has to redesign strategic and objectives by implementing a number of activities including improving recruitment strategy of workers with specific requirments, human resource competences through education and training, career management and succesion planning, and wo rld class culture corporate building. HR Department also needs to improve cadre acceleration management by indentifying, assessing, and retaining them to stay in organization and achieve high performance of organization. Don’t waste time! 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